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Chinese translation for "riot act"


Related Translations:
riot:  n.1.骚乱;暴动;暴乱,骚动;混乱。2.放荡;闹饮,嘈闹的宴会,喝酒狂闹。3.(植物、疫病等的)蔓延。4.五色缤纷;喧嚣嘈杂。5.〔美口〕非常成功的戏剧。6.(想像、感情等的)奔放。7.(猎狗)闻错猎物臭迹乱追。短语和例子The garden was a riot of colour. 园花竞艳,五色缤纷。 a riot of sound 声音嘈杂。 a riot of
riot police:  防暴警察。
riot gun:  (驱散骚乱人群用的)连发短枪,防暴枪。
riot shield:  防暴盾牌。
riot call:  (警察因发生骚乱的)紧急召集。
bread riot:  饥饿〔缺粮〕骚动。
acting:  n.1.行为。2.演技,演出。3.装假,做戏。短语和例子a play suitable for acting 适合上演的剧本。adj.1.活动着的。2.代理的,临时的。3.(供)演出的。短语和例子an acting principal 代理校长。 an acting copy [script] 【戏剧】台本,脚本。 an acting volcano 活火山。
act:  短语和例子=1.Association of Classroom Teachers (美国)任课教师协会。2.American College Test 美国大学测验。3.Australian Capital Territory (澳大利亚)首都直辖区。n.1.行为;举动;动作。2.决议,决议书;法令,条例。3.(戏剧的)幕,段;简短的节目。4.(牛津;剑桥等大学的)学位论
army act:  陆军刑法,军法。
volstead act:  〔美国〕禁酒法〔由议员 Volstead 提出〕。
Example Sentences:
1.When he came home drunk again , she read him the riot act .
2.The boss read him the riot act for not doing his work properly
他不好好工作,给老板严重警告了) 。
3." the judge read sessions the riot cat and sessions , who has an obvious affinity for the federal judiciary and wanted to appease glasser , read the same riot act to his subordinates " said one source
消息来源说, “法官严厉斥责塞申斯,与联邦司法机关显然关系密切而又不愿得罪格拉瑟的塞申斯,则同样严厉斥责他的下属。 ”
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